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What is runApp() in Flutter?

What is runApp() in Flutter?
Flutter Explained

n Flutter, the runApp() method is used to initialize and run the app. It takes in a Widget as its argument, which is typically the root of the app's widget hierarchy. This widget is then passed to the FlutterEngine to be rendered on the screen.

The runApp() method is typically called in the main() function of a Flutter app, which is the starting point of the app's execution. The main() function is the entry point of the app and it is the first method that is executed when the app starts.

Here's an example of how the runApp() method is used in the main() function:

void main() {

The runApp() method is responsible for creating the WidgetsFlutterBinding which is the binding between the framework and the Flutter engine. It also creates the RendererBinding object, which is responsible for rendering the widgets to the screen.

The runApp() method also sets up the WidgetsFlutterBinding to schedule the rebuilds of the widgets and creates the RenderView object, which is the root of the render tree.

It also creates the binding.scheduler object which is responsible for scheduling the work and it creates the binding.renderView object which is the root of the render tree.

Once the runApp() method is called, the framework sets up the widget tree and begins the process of rendering the widgets to the screen.