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Becoming An Author

Want to be a part of Codepur?

We’re always looking for experienced people to come join our team! Whether you’ve been with us from the beginning or you’re a new visitor to the site and you think you can contribute, we’d like to hear from you!

Why Join Our Team?

  1. Learn while you earn. Learn something new everyday while you build your community. After all great minds think alike!
  2. We take care of your bills here. We don’t believe in unpaid gigs (as long as you don't want to be a guest author). Create what you love and if we like it, you will be rewarded.
  3. Make a difference. Help people get their dream job, or make a new game. When they reach their goal, we are sure you will be proud of yourself. We are fondly known as MTECHVIRAL in the community, and we assure you giving back is satisfying.
  4. Recognition. It’s not just about helping people. Work with us and add brownie points to your resume.

BROWNIE POINTS: For the best authors out there, we have special benefits. Contribute to our exclusive projects, host our podcasts or be a guest. We will even help you get work as freelancers here, we want you to grow!

Think you can create tutorials for us? Tell us what you are an expert at, pick your domain.
  1. iOS: Tutorials on iOS topics in Swift and SwiftUI.
  2. Android: Tutorials on Android topics in Kotlin.
  3. Flutter: Tutorials on Flutter topics in Dart.
  4. Web: Tutorials on React, Vue, Angular, JS or NodeJS.
  5. AR: Tutorials on augmented reality.
  6. ML: Tutorials on machine learning.
  7. Blockchain: Tutorials on DeFI or blockchain.

Current openings:

  1. Tech Editor: This role requires experience. If you are a senior developer, have strong attention to detail. Apply for this position.
  2. Author: A little low on experience but have the passion for teaching?  We got you covered. Apply to be an author with us and grow along with Codepur.

Things to know about us:

  1. We are a team of passionate people, and candidates MUST have a portfolio to showcase the same.
  2. Communication skills because teaching is not everybody’s game. Know the difference between they’re, their and there.
  3. Leader mindset. Know about something no one has documented before? Share with us here.
  4. Always ready to learn. We love people who keep up with the game.

Think you are the right fit for us? Drop a mail at

Note: Please mention your desired role and team in the subject line. Include your resume, portfolio/LinkedIn profile for better screening process.
Meanwhile, join our community here to stay updated on the trends or to share a laugh or two about the memes we share.