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30 Days of Flutter (Hindi)

If you want to learn Flutter in Hindi then don't worry we have got you covered with this amazing series.

30 Days of Flutter (Hindi)

For all Hindi audience, we have a 30 days series in Hindi language totally for free.

Day 1 - Flutter Installation & First App

Day 2 - Git, Dart Data Types & Scaffold

Day 3 - Functions, Classes, Routes, Theme & Text

Day 4 - Adding Images, Google Fonts | ElevatedButton | Login Page

Day 5 - Publish to Github | SingleChildScrollView | Navigator

Day 6 | Stateful | Animated Container | Future Delay

Day 7 - Codepur Ke Vaasi Q/A Week 1

Day 8 | Form | TextField Validation | Ink

Day 9 - Material Drawer | DevTools | ListView | NetworkImage

Day 10 - Models | AppBarTheme | Extracting Theme

Day 11 - BuildContext, 3 Trees & Constraints Explained

Day 12 - ListView Builder, List Generate, Card & Asserts

Day 13 - Local Files | Load & Decode JSON

Day 14 - Codepur Ke Vaasi Q/A

Day 15 - JSON Mapping | Data Class Generator | ProgressIndicator

Day 16 - GridView | GridTile

Day 17 - Beautiful UI | Vx

Day 18 - Hero Animation | MaterialPageRoute | Arc

Day 19 - Cart Page | FloatingActionButton | Dummy Text

Day 20 - Themes | Dark Theme | System Themes

Day 21 - Catalog Model Fix | AppBar Fix

Day 22 - Placeholder | Cart Page

Day 23 - ScaffoldMessenger | Cart Model | List fold

Day 24 - Add To Cart Functionality

Day 25 - Bad Code To The Rescue

Day 26 - VelocityX State Management | VxState | VxStore

Day 27 - VelocityX State Management | VxMutation

Day 28 - VelocityX State Management | VxBuilder | VxConsumer

Day 29 - HTTP | API | Networking | Badge

Day 30 - Flutter App Running On Mobile, Web, Desktop

Full Playlist

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