30 Days of Flutter (Hindi)
If you want to learn Flutter in Hindi then don't worry we have got you covered with this amazing series.
For all Hindi audience, we have a 30 days series in Hindi language totally for free.
Day 1 - Flutter Installation & First App
Day 2 - Git, Dart Data Types & Scaffold
Day 3 - Functions, Classes, Routes, Theme & Text
Day 4 - Adding Images, Google Fonts | ElevatedButton | Login Page
Day 5 - Publish to Github | SingleChildScrollView | Navigator
Day 6 | Stateful | Animated Container | Future Delay
Day 7 - Codepur Ke Vaasi Q/A Week 1
Day 8 | Form | TextField Validation | Ink
Day 9 - Material Drawer | DevTools | ListView | NetworkImage
Day 10 - Models | AppBarTheme | Extracting Theme
Day 11 - BuildContext, 3 Trees & Constraints Explained
Day 12 - ListView Builder, List Generate, Card & Asserts
Day 13 - Local Files | Load & Decode JSON
Day 14 - Codepur Ke Vaasi Q/A
Day 15 - JSON Mapping | Data Class Generator | ProgressIndicator
Day 16 - GridView | GridTile
Day 17 - Beautiful UI | Vx
Day 18 - Hero Animation | MaterialPageRoute | Arc
Day 19 - Cart Page | FloatingActionButton | Dummy Text
Day 20 - Themes | Dark Theme | System Themes
Day 21 - Catalog Model Fix | AppBar Fix
Day 22 - Placeholder | Cart Page
Day 23 - ScaffoldMessenger | Cart Model | List fold
Day 24 - Add To Cart Functionality
Day 25 - Bad Code To The Rescue
Day 26 - VelocityX State Management | VxState | VxStore
Day 27 - VelocityX State Management | VxMutation
Day 28 - VelocityX State Management | VxBuilder | VxConsumer
Day 29 - HTTP | API | Networking | Badge
Day 30 - Flutter App Running On Mobile, Web, Desktop
Full Playlist
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